Wednesday, 13 October 2010

A healthy life style, is it possible? How?

Hello everyone. Today I'll write about healthy life style. I believe that I don't have a healthy life style, but I'm sure that it's possible. Why do I think that? Because when you propose something, you can do it.
For having a healthy life style it's necessary to accept your own body. If you accept that you’re going to be aware of the caring you need to have for yourself. That caring it means physical and mental care.
The physical care, it's very easy I believe. It require only a little of effort and some improvement spirit. To be healthy physically, it’s not necessary to go to the gym everyday or do exercises that you don't like. You can do whatever you want to, like do some rock climbing, or you can swim. You can do something that you really enjoy. Making that sport or activity you are working also your mind. That’s because you have to use your concentration and your skills.
A good way to keep a mental health is to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. If you are conscious of that, you can work on them. That way, you’re going to have a better relationship with rest of people. Having good relationships you are happier, in my opinion.
Also, it’s important to have a periodic check with the doctor.
I believe that I don’t have a healthy life style, because I don’t make sports every week, and I hate going to the doctor. I’m working on it.
I hope all of you have a healthy life style, because that determines your life quality. It’s something that most people don’t know, but now you do, so you can spread the word. You can save lots of lives if you explain people, maybe in your future as a health professional, the consequences that it brings a bad life style.

Take care everyone!!
Have a nice week!

Bye- Bye! =)

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