Monday, 27 September 2010

Hello everyone, this time I will write about my childhood memory.
One of the best memories that I have is about my extracurricular activities at school. When I was in first grade, my mom decided that my sisters and I should be into an extracurricular activity because we didn’t do anything on Saturdays. So she found out that in my school there was a cheerleading team, and she asked us if we wanted to do that, and we said yes. So I started to cheer! It was so much fun, because we had to jump a lot and some bigger guys rose us. 
Any way, we went to a lot of competitions, including Coca Cola Barras, which in those times, was the biggest competition in our country. Of course we didn’t win, but I had the chance to meet Sergio Lagos, who was the host. One of the most exiting things that I remember of those competitions was that we could drink a lot of free coke! I was so little that this was one of the most important things of that day. 
I also remember that at school, I was respected only for been on that team, but I didn’t care that much what rest of people thought about me. Now, when I speak with older friends from school, y realizes how everyone saw me, and it’s so strange, because some people wanted to be part of the team, but they couldn’t, so they were jealous; other people thought that we were unfriendly, and everyone had a different opinion. And the truth is, that I hate when people looks at me, so I stopped cheering and I'm glad because I'm happy being in a reserved way. =)

I hope you have a great week everyone!!
Bye bye!! 

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