Hello everyone! This time I will talk about my experience learning English at the university. Well, I need to explain first how I learned a little more about this language and when did it happened.
At school, I loved English because I was good at it, so I started to pay attention at every class. Then, when I was watching some TV I realized that I understand a lot of the dialogs. So, with TV and English at school, I could learn a lot of this beautiful language that helps me in so many things, even in my daily life.
So, when I finish school, I did a year of “Preu”, so the only way that I keep in touch with this, was singing. Of course I didn’t do it out loud; it was more like a whisper. But this way, I learned a little more of vocabulary and pronunciation.
When I finished school I thought that I would never have to study English again. But then, I decided to study obstetrics. When I realized that my career had obligatory English, it was too late; I was already registered. No, I’m kidding. I was actually thrilled because it’s something easy for me and I enjoy it.
When we started classes, I was a little scared, because when I was at school, no one spoke at English, unless the teacher forces you to do it. And here, at university, the teacher was not like your real teacher, it was more like your guide. So that, forces you to be more active in classes. It was really scary, for me, to speak in English, because I felt rusty. But, with time and with respect from my partners, I felt really good and comfortable speaking in another language.
To be honest, I thought it would be more difficult. I thought I was going to spend a lot of time studying and practicing my pronunciation. But truth is I only study when I have to learn something by heart.
So in conclusion, it was a great experience, but I expected more.
I feel like, the difficulty level should be higher than it is now.
The best part of all, it is that I met awesome people from my career and physical therapist too!
I wish all the best!
Have a great weekend.