Friday, 19 November 2010

My experience learning english at the university

Hello everyone! This time I will talk about my experience learning English at the university. Well, I need to explain first how I learned a little more about this language and when did it happened.
At school, I loved English because I was good at it, so I started to pay attention at every class. Then, when I was watching some TV I realized that I understand a lot of the dialogs. So, with TV and English at school, I could learn a lot of this beautiful language that helps me in so many things, even in my daily life.
So, when I finish school, I did a year of “Preu”, so the only way that I keep in touch with this, was singing. Of course I didn’t do it out loud; it was more like a whisper. But this way, I learned a little more of vocabulary and pronunciation.
When I finished school I thought that I would never have to study English again. But then, I decided to study obstetrics. When I realized that my career had obligatory English, it was too late; I was already registered. No, I’m kidding. I was actually thrilled because it’s something easy for me and I enjoy it.
When we started classes, I was a little scared, because when I was at school, no one spoke at English, unless the teacher forces you to do it. And here, at university, the teacher was not like your real teacher, it was more like your guide. So that, forces you to be more active in classes. It was really scary, for me, to speak in English, because I felt rusty. But, with time and with respect from my partners, I felt really good and comfortable speaking in another language.
To be honest, I thought it would be more difficult. I thought I was going to spend a lot of time studying and practicing my pronunciation. But truth is I only study when I have to learn something by heart.
So in conclusion, it was a great experience, but I expected more.

I feel like, the difficulty level should be higher than it is now.
The best part of all, it is that I met awesome people from my career and physical therapist too!
I wish all the best!

Have a great weekend.


Friday, 12 November 2010

My family :)

Hello everyone, today I will write about my family life. Well, I’m very attached to my family; I love going out with them, and I enjoy when they do barbeques and we get all together. Actually, I enjoy it so much, than I’d rather be at a barbeque to be at a party with friends. The only trouble is that they are too much!! I mean, if I count to my aunts, uncles and cousins, we are more than 50 people!! So, for example, if I want to celebrate my birthday, and I invite to my favorite aunt, everyone find out, and they get mad. I hate when people are malicious, because create family problems. So, the only solution that I found to this issue was stop inviting people. Now, only the ones that remember that date go to visit me.
The best thing about having a big family is the marriages. When someone gets married, we are all invited! So we always spend a great time in those events. But, now in this time, they are very few ones that get married, so when we see to our cousins, we convinced them to get married. Of course, this hasn’t resulted jet! But the plan is still being executed.
The worst part of my big family is when someone gets for the first time with a boyfriend or girlfriend. This is the funniest part when you are not the main character. I enjoy teasing my cousins and especially to my sisters. But now, I regret, because I will have to face the consequences. So that’s why I’ll wait a considerable time before introducing my boyfriend.
In conclusion, my family is very big, with a lot of shortcomings, but with a big heart.
I hope you have a great weekend, and have some rest if you can.

Sunday, 7 November 2010

My favorite vacations =)

Hello everyone, today I will write about my favorite place for vacations. Well, almost every summer, I used to go to Horcon, my aunt has an apartment there. Is a beautiful apartment, it’s not huge, but big enough for 5 people, and the best part is that the condo were the apartment is has 4 pools!! I love pools and I love swimming, and of course I love summer, because that aloud me to use it, and swim J
The only trouble is that when I go over there, my dad doesn’t go with us (us: my mom , my sisters and I) because he has to work all the time, so now, I stay here in Santiago, and I go out with my friends.
I believe that my favorite place for vacations would be any place with a beach and with a pool, and with my all family. I like to go and take a walk for the beach with them, spatially with my sisters and have some longue talks. I also enjoy places with “life” to say otherwise, like, with a lot of craft fairs, and new places to roam.
To be honest, we all know that even if we are in the most horrible place in the world, but you have good company, that place becomes into the best ever. I remember last summer, I was at the beach with my aunt and with some cousins, but my family was here, in Santiago. When first week was over, I just wanted to see them, and be at home with theme. I didn’t matter if I was at the beach with a great view or with a great weather; I just wanted to be with them.
So, in conclusion, you can like beach or countryside, but the people you are with, is the one that makes the difference.
Regards to everyone, and have a great week!! 

(Picture from Horcon, where I go sometimes)

Sunday, 31 October 2010

Dealing with stress at university.

Hello everyone! Today I will write about how I deal with the stress that university gives. Well, now actually, I’m not too stress, but when I was, I had a lot of support from my friends. It was “relaxing”, to say the least, to speak with closest friends, and hear that they were as stress as you, or even worst. It made me think that my feelings were normal.

To be honest, my first semester was really hard, was awful. I lose weight and I eat normally. I was really cranky and I cried with everything. I believe that my support was my new friends at University. The environment that we made was great, but we were all too stressed, so I needed someone to speak with, about another subject that wasn’t cells or mitochondria.  So, when I had some free time, I get together with some friends. But as we are all studying, we spoke all the time about books, and stuff like that. It was really boring actually.

So, I couldn’t go out with friends, I couldn’t be relax at university, and I couldn’t fined peace at home, because I was surrounded of books, and things like that. So, my first semester at university was horrible. I couldn’t be relaxed, and I couldn’t have real fun. 

Now, I’m not stressed out at all, because didn’t pass a subject. But, everything happens for a reason, and I’m happy now, because I have a lot of time and I can do things that otherwise I wouldn’t have been able to do.
So, I still don’t find a way to be relaxed, but I believe that sports will be my solution!!

I hope you have a great week!!

Friday, 22 October 2010

“There’s no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided by the age of three”

Hello everyone, today I will write about Neuromyths. The most interesting myth that I read was titled “There’s no time to lose as everything important about the brain is decided by the age of three”. I choose this topic because I’ve always heard people talking about that, and they say exactly the same. In this part of the chapter, it’s explained at what age kids learn the most.

Learning process occurs thanks to neurons. There’s a lot of myths about neurons; some people says that if you study a lot, or if you concentrate you make more neurons, and other people says that when you start getting older, you lose neurons.

Truth is that when you born, your neurons level is lower than an adult, but until 10 months you are creating neurons like crazy! Everything you see or hear is useful to create more and more neurons. That processes its called neurogenesis. But you don’t make neurons your entire life. At the age of two months old, you start to increase your synaptic density with a peak at the age of 10 months. At that age, you have the same or even more synaptic density than an adult. Knowing only that, we can already say that this theory of “at the age of three it’s when you learn the most” it’s a lye.
Of course, at the age of three, kids learn a lot, but kids learn always, and all the time.
You shouldn’t be concerned about when does your kid learn the most, you should be thinking in teaching to your sun the most you can always his/her whole life.
Regards to everyone, and have a great weekend.

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

A healthy life style, is it possible? How?

Hello everyone. Today I'll write about healthy life style. I believe that I don't have a healthy life style, but I'm sure that it's possible. Why do I think that? Because when you propose something, you can do it.
For having a healthy life style it's necessary to accept your own body. If you accept that you’re going to be aware of the caring you need to have for yourself. That caring it means physical and mental care.
The physical care, it's very easy I believe. It require only a little of effort and some improvement spirit. To be healthy physically, it’s not necessary to go to the gym everyday or do exercises that you don't like. You can do whatever you want to, like do some rock climbing, or you can swim. You can do something that you really enjoy. Making that sport or activity you are working also your mind. That’s because you have to use your concentration and your skills.
A good way to keep a mental health is to be aware of your strengths and weaknesses. If you are conscious of that, you can work on them. That way, you’re going to have a better relationship with rest of people. Having good relationships you are happier, in my opinion.
Also, it’s important to have a periodic check with the doctor.
I believe that I don’t have a healthy life style, because I don’t make sports every week, and I hate going to the doctor. I’m working on it.
I hope all of you have a healthy life style, because that determines your life quality. It’s something that most people don’t know, but now you do, so you can spread the word. You can save lots of lives if you explain people, maybe in your future as a health professional, the consequences that it brings a bad life style.

Take care everyone!!
Have a nice week!

Bye- Bye! =)

Monday, 27 September 2010

Hello everyone, this time I will write about my childhood memory.
One of the best memories that I have is about my extracurricular activities at school. When I was in first grade, my mom decided that my sisters and I should be into an extracurricular activity because we didn’t do anything on Saturdays. So she found out that in my school there was a cheerleading team, and she asked us if we wanted to do that, and we said yes. So I started to cheer! It was so much fun, because we had to jump a lot and some bigger guys rose us. 
Any way, we went to a lot of competitions, including Coca Cola Barras, which in those times, was the biggest competition in our country. Of course we didn’t win, but I had the chance to meet Sergio Lagos, who was the host. One of the most exiting things that I remember of those competitions was that we could drink a lot of free coke! I was so little that this was one of the most important things of that day. 
I also remember that at school, I was respected only for been on that team, but I didn’t care that much what rest of people thought about me. Now, when I speak with older friends from school, y realizes how everyone saw me, and it’s so strange, because some people wanted to be part of the team, but they couldn’t, so they were jealous; other people thought that we were unfriendly, and everyone had a different opinion. And the truth is, that I hate when people looks at me, so I stopped cheering and I'm glad because I'm happy being in a reserved way. =)

I hope you have a great week everyone!!
Bye bye!!